Shop Manual

Original Ford shop manuals in digital format used by the Ford dealership mechanics to guide them through repairs and maintenance.

Each section provides information on the operation of major systems, diagnostics, troubleshooting, and overhaul.  The removal and installation of major components is also explained. You will find step-by-step procedures for such things as:

  • air conditioning, clutch, transmission, engine, and rear axle.
  • chassis, suspension, underbody, steering, brakes, generating & starting systems, lights
  • instruments, accessories, body maintenance & repair, doors, deck lid, front sheet metal, interior trim, seats,
  • windows, maintenance, special tools and lubrication, maintenance and lubrication.

Furthermore, shop manual normally includes wiring diagrams, specifications, special tool lists, exploded view illustrations, troubleshooting diagnosis, and pictures.

Our shop manuals are available in both eBook download and USB format.  Manuals are high resolution scans in PDF format.

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